Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Mario Paintings

Paintings displayed on the wall behind my son's crib
So, when I found out I was pregnant, I started working on a couple of paintings for my little sea monkey's room...Then I ended up having a difficult pregnancy, having to move, issues with storage units and doctors, and other stuff that wasn't worth mentioning. But eventually, a year or so later lol, I got around to working on these. Yes, they are Nintendo Super Mario themed, and they glow in the dark and under a black-light. 
Non-Toxic Acrylic Paint on Canvas 18"x28" each

Despicable Me Minion Pillow-Doll

Charlie and his first Minion

My son's favorite movie is "Despicable Me". So, since he is only two, and there aren't any toys from this movie made for his age group, I decided to just make one myself. This is the first doll I have ever made. It took forever...but that smiling face is totally worth it. This was sewn entirely by hand, and when I make another one (next, I plan to make a Purple "Evil" Minion), I'll be getting the sewing machine out.

It was hard to take too many photos...Charlie ran off with the Minion

Custom Painted Wooden Bunny Pull-Toy

Charlie and his Bunny

I found this little wooden bunny at a second hand store. It was so plain and worn. So, I sanded it down, painted it, and added a new string. My son loves it:)